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Kansas Wesleyan University

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


通过动手学习,学生可以接触到广泛的视角, case studies, guest speakers and professor experiences.

市场营销专业的学生能够提高他们的创造性和批判性思维, as well as their innovative skills, 以保持企业发展的竞争优势.


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Why should I study Marketing Communications at KWU?

你将有机会与engage密切互动, 专业的教师可以帮助你,并将他们在商业世界的宝贵经验应用到课堂上. During your studies, 您将获得广泛的商业运作知识,并在您的特定领域获得实际应用.

你还可以在各种职业道路上获得许多可转移的技能. 能力包括:对组织运作方式的理解, 提高你的沟通技巧(口头和书面),加强你的分析和批判性思维, problem-solving and decision making. Plus, interpreting and using financial data, 项目和资源管理,对经济波动和其他影响业务的外部变化有很好的理解.

What can I do with a Marketing Communications degree?

你想要多样化的实用教育和无限的职业机会吗? 堪萨斯州卫斯理大学(Kansas Wesleyan University)的市场营销学位将为你打开大门. 以应用为基础的课程让你接触到各种各样的商业模式, emphasizing the importance of adaptability. In addition to business savvy in marketing, accounting, finance, leadership and problem-solving, 大学毕业生进入职场时,对自己的优势有敏锐的认识,并意识到如何在工作场所做出重大贡献.

市场营销专业的学生在诸如市场调研之类的领域中茁壮成长, advertising, product management, promotions and sales management.

Graduates can also apply to KWU’s MBA Program 继续他们的教育,并在校园内或网上获得硕士学位.

Program Goals


  • 运用定量和定性分析和批判性思维技能来评估信息, 解决问题,并做出创新的组织和战略决策,以关注客户满意度.
  • 在工作场所展示道德规范和行为的知识和应用, markets and social responsibility.
  • 通过使用适当的技术准备和交付口头和书面报告,有效地沟通,以达到内部和外部的目标市场和利益相关者群体.
  • 展示应用和综合营销组合策略功能领域的能力, 市场分析和沟通,做出合理的商业决策,以促进销售.

Marketing Communications Minor Requirements

BUSA 300 Principles of Marketing – 3 credit hours

BUSA 325 Marketing Research – 3 credit hours

BUSA 345 Consumer Behavior – 3 credit hours

BUSA 375 Promotional Strategy – 3 credit hours

经济学205宏观经济学原理- 3学时

或经济学206微观经济学原理- 3学时

Business and Accounting Course Descriptions

ACCT 203:财务会计(3学时-秋季)

这是一个介绍财务会计的概念和方法,积累对企业关注的经济活动的结果数据. 涵盖了服务和销售业务的整个会计周期, as is an introduction to accounting systems, income measurement, partnerships and corporations.

ACCT 204:管理会计(3学时-春季)

介绍制成品的成本会计和其他与管理有关的目标. Topics include service department allocation, budgeting, variance analysis, cost behavior, cost estimation and product costing. The statement of cash flows is also covered. Prerequisites: ACCT 203 and MATH 116 or higher.

ACCT 286:会计:专题(3学时-按需)


ACCT 290:独立学习(可变学分-按需)

Independent Study consists of research, readings, 其他较低级别的学术研究或创造性工作. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

ACCT 316:个人所得税(3学时-偶数年春季)

The study of the history, 联邦税收制度的假设和目标,重点是个人税收. Topics include taxable and non-taxable income, capital gains and losses, business and non-business deductions, 分项扣除和个人及抚养豁免.

ACCT 400:成本会计(3学时-奇数年春季)

研究会计与管理、计划和控制职能的关系. Emphasis is on statements for internal use, budgeting, cost-volume profit analysis, relevant data, capital budgeting, performance evaluation and product costing. Prerequisite: ACCT 203 and ACCT 204.

ACCT 415: Auditing (3 credit hours – Spring)

对独立审计师就财务报表的公平性发表意见所必需的程序和做法的研究. Prerequisite: ACCT 302.

ACCT 460:会计实习(2-8学时-按需)

本课程提供与社区组织的密集实地体验. 安排将根据学生的职业定位. 前提条件:部门批准并满足适用的入职标准. 更详细的描述,请参见实习“学分的替代方法”.

ACCT 485:会计:专题(1-3学时-按需)


ACCT 490:独立学习(可变学分-按需)

Independent Study consists of research, readings, 其他高级学术研究或创造性工作. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

BUSA 100:商业入门(3学时-秋季)

本课程为学生提供有关美国商业的广泛基础知识和信息. 本课程将集中于我们赖以发展的基本概念和原则, 组织和经营企业,以及企业与我们的经济体系的关系. In addition, the course will explore business ethics, 社会责任和全球运营的影响.

BUSA 150: Personal Finance (3 credit hours – Spring)

本课程侧重于个人财务规划,目的是让每个学生意识到他们一生的财务目标,以及他们如何在当今复杂的环境中最好地实现这些目标. 完成本课程后,每个学生都应该知道并理解个人财务成功的基本原则. These include: financial planning and goal setting, personal taxation, wealth accumulation strategy, cash and consumer credit management, basic insurance principles, basic investment principles and techniques, 退休计划和投资及遗产转让方法.

BUSA 300:市场营销原理(3学时-春季)

对营销活动的协调和控制的检查, including marketing segmentation, product development, product management, pricing, distribution channels and promotion methods.

BUSA 301:管理原则(3学时-秋季)

组织管理学研究组织管理中涉及的理论和概念. 课程主题包括计划管理功能的研究, decision making, organization and control.

BUSA 310: Business Finance (3 credit hours – Fall)

对企业财务管理进行分析和决策. The main areas of study include ratio analysis, planning, working capital management, capital budgeting, 金融风险和杠杆以及各种形式的资金来源和市场的特点. Prerequisites: ACCT 203, ACCT 204 and BUSA 219.

BUSA 321:知识产权法(3学时-按需)

本课程介绍现行法律制度的基础,并深入研究版权, 专利和商标法以及某些涉及言论自由和隐私的宪法问题. 重点将放在这些法律如何影响技术的管理和使用,特别是对计算机的考虑.

BUSA 322:人力资源管理(3学时-春季)

本课程是十大赌博平台排行榜员工动机和满意度等人事课题的基础研究, job analysis and design, human resource planning, employee selection, training and evaluation, 工资、福利和劳动关系管理. Prerequisite: BUSA 301.

BUSA 338:运营管理(3学时-春季)

本课程使学生了解如何有效地管理和改进企业的运作流程, including production, 物料和产品的采购和库存控制, logistics management (receiving, warehousing, picking and transporting materials, goods, and services), order processing and follow-up customer service. Prerequisites: BUSA 219 and BUSA 301.

BUSA 360:商务沟通(3学时-秋季和春季)

本课程旨在培养商科学生更有效的沟通能力, emphasizing communication through memoranda, letters and written reports. Preparation of oral communication, in conjunction with presentation of oral reports, will be taught to students. 学生将学习计算机应用程序,以帮助有效的内部和外部业务沟通. Prerequisites: ENGL 121 and SCTH 130 (Speech).

BUSA 445:战略管理(3学时-春季)

This course integrates the required business, 通过学习会计和经济课程的企业目标, 总体政策和战略的制定和管理. 口头和书面的几个主要案例的分析和解决方案是本课程的核心. 先决条件:ACCT 204, BUSA 300, BUSA 301和BUSA 310.

BUSA 450:商业领导和道德(3学时-秋季)

本课程探讨个人在当代美国商业社会中的角色. Course topics include the historical, 商业与政治的思想和伦理起源, social and environmental impact of business.

BUSA 460:商业实习(2-8学时-按需)

本课程提供与社区组织的密集实地体验. 安排将根据学生的职业定位. 前提条件:部门批准并满足适用的入职标准. 更详细的描述,请参见实习“学分的替代方法”.

BUSA 485:商业:专题(3学时-按需)

在上级部门对选定的业务领域(包括广告等主题)进行集中调查, investments or entrepreneurship in small business.

BUSA 490:独立研究(可变信贷-按需)

Independent Study consists of research, readings, 其他高级学术研究或创造性工作. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

ECON 201:经济学导论(3学时-按需)

介绍基本的宏观和微观经济学原理. This course will address issues of scarcity, economic modeling, opportunity cost, supply and demand, consumer choice, profit maximization, competition, labor markets, fiscal and monetary policy, 总需求、总供给和国际贸易.


An introduction to economic principles, 以国民收入理论为重点的问题与政策, employment, monetary and fiscal institutions, 经济增长和国家间的经济关系.


Emphasis is on the price mechanism, product and resource markets, 市场结构及其社会福利影响.

ECON 286:专题(3学时-按需)

ECON 485:专题(3学时-按需)

Contact Department Chair

有关任何本科商业学位的更多信息,请联系 Dr. Michelle Case, chair of the Department of Business & Accounting.

Student and professor in class

Continue Your Education with an MBA

在你获得本科学位后,在你的职业和教育中迈出下一步. 在十大赌博平台排行榜灵活、实惠的课程中,你可以在短短一年内获得MBA学位.